Friday, June 5, 2015

Robocraft final post

Robocraft is a world of tanks like game. in the game you build and battle robots in several different maps and Terran. there are several different blocks you can use some are heavier and some are more protected. you can build almost any cat or ship you want with almost any gun. that is if you have the cash to spend.

I found Robocraft to be fun and a fun way to work your mind but i fell that if you used your creait card you would get farther then if you didn't.

to move your robot you use the W S A D keys, to fire you left click to aim you right click, to get flipped upright you click F, to assess the blocks menu click Q, to unlock new parts go to the tech tree in the menu.

One trick that I discovered in not to place your guns directly behind or beside each other because they will block each others fire. 

In the future the Robocraft developers plan to add new machines and blocks as well as other inventions. I think that Robocraft will eventually  evolve in to a more popular game that is more considerate to the laws of Physics. ROBOCRAFT COMMUNITY

Robcraft day 5

I came upon some money after my continues battles so i decided to give the plasma cannon another try. I added several more cannons to my ship to see how it would work.
My contraption still flew but it was a tad heavy next i will test its fire power.
Amazing fire power in one shot it can do up to 100,000 damage. Equal to a one hit Knock out.
to solve the heaviness problem i added some more thrusters.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Robocraft day 4

I have successfully made a flying vehicle. to make a flying ship you need to buy the Hover panels from tech tree and place them an equal distance apart on the robot. make sure you don't flip.
after i put on the hover panels i added guns and as you can see above i replaced all regular blocks with armored blocks. so i took it in to battle: it was super effective.
  when in battle i noticed my ship continuously flipped so I added a stabilizer with thrusters. it was a complete failure so I removed it the best you can do is just steer it into a safe area and click F (F flips you back up right slowly).
with the money I collected from winning I bought the plasma cannon; with the plasma cannon your not allowed to have any other guns on the ship so you have to remove them.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Robocraft day3

After buying thrusters I needed to make serous adjustments in order to have a working robot.also you need more than 8 thrusters to have a flying shuttle and you must balance the weight.
I finished adjusting the thrusters so i added wheels and guns, i also added protection to the thrusters. you will also notice that my craft is to heavy to be air born but they do provide power searing, extra speed, and when the bottom are activated lighter weight.
I need more monney for up grades so i joined a battle and my ship did very well.
With my new money i bought new thrusters bot not enough to replace the old ones so i will keep battling.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Robocraft day 2

I finished my first battle today. I found out that you need to have armor blocks or else you just fall apart in battle. i also figured out that you need to space out your guns for them to be effective.
In a battle you may notice that you have leveled up. although you have leveled up you have to manually upgrade your guns. but first you must buy them from the tech tree(take note that your money is shown in the top right corner.
 After you finished buy in them you actually have to buy them again because in the tech tree you just bought the right to buy them. after you purchase the new gun or mechanism you select it on the "Q" menu and place on your vehicle.
   in the upgrades i bought the thrusters, I leaned that you need more than one to move faster than 1 km and hour.
if you get thrusters and want to fly up you can check the controls and change them on the controls menu.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Robocraft day 1

First i read Cman`s post than i went and downloaded Robocraft
 well building i noticed that i was to top heavy and hat was effecting my turning ability so i made it a bit lighter. I also helped Brandon with his turning problem.
After making the changes i lerned that i was way to top heavy and my guns were very ineffective in that position so i made some adjustments. 
some trobles i had were figuring out that the turning wheel was for turning only and that you can have all the guns you want.